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    Patch v1242 Released!
    Posted on on August 30, 2013 | 17:48
    We are pleased to announce that Patch v1242 has been released on July 29, 2013.

    Highlight of Patch 1242

      ClassA/B Armor Effect Fixed.
      New NPC: PackageDealer.
      New Item: ClassBSet Pack.
      New Event: DeathRace & BunnyRace!
      Stay Tuned for more Updates...

    Classic Server Update: DB Drop Rate & EXP Increase Every Weekend Saturday & Sunday. Enjoy!


    Those players who got retrievable items and rewards in their pk inventory (such as items that is dropped by red/black name players) should claim or retrieve it before August 10, 2013 or else you can't retrieve it. Due to some bugs

    Note: If you have item(s) being dropped, redeem it as early as possible.

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