Elite PK Tournament
NPCs: ElitePKEnvoy (Twin City 414 247)
Level Requirement: As long as you are able to kill. Time: Event is open every sunday and signup 14:00 until 14:10 or 19:00 until 19:10. Reward: 500K CPs Elite Halo.
Walkthrough: It`ll take place 14:00-14:59 or 19:00-19:59 in Sunday. Talk to me to sign up 10 minutes before it start. The War will be divided into 3 groups that is Lvl60 below Lvl61 and Lvl91+ Before the War ends the last player in each Arena will be the champ. and can claim 500K CPs with the Elite PK Clerk. If there are more than 1 player in the arena at 14:59 or 19:59 all player`s in the Arena can`t claim the prizes. |